Vagrant Muse

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Finding the way

OK, so Alan suggested I read this article to find a way forward for myself. Unfortunately, I think, this is a few levels deeper than I was talking about, so perhaps I've not been as clear as I should have been.

My 'purpose' at the moment - and for several years to come - is to give my family a stable, supportive environment to grow in. It's not a purpose imposed on me, nor is it something I was born to do. It's a conscious choice of the priorities in my life, I'm not a strong believer that there is a 'purpose' for each of us laid down from outside.

Life has as much meaning as we choose to give it, and whether we credit ourselves with that meaning or assign it to a fictitious supernatural entity is largely irrelevant - we still choose what has meaning for us.

I'm secure in that choice, I feel comfortable that my principle efforts are in working to earn money, but doing so in short enough bursts that I can be at home to help my family spend it all :)

I don't want to stagnate as an individual, though. Happiness is not a place to reach, but a way to travel, and you need to keep moving. It may be that just keeping pace with my kids will be changes enough to keep me growing, and if that's the case so be it, but I don't want to risk being unhappy, because that unhappiness will spread.

I don't have the money to really experiment with hobbies and pass-times to find something that appeals, so perhaps I'll have to start looking for a new job. I get nervous at the idea - I was brought up in the school of 'if it isn't broken don't fix it' - as the job I currently have is conveniently located, not particular stressful or difficult, and doesn't demand any of my time when I leave in the evening.

I'll keep an eye open for other jobs, but I don't think I feel unsettled enough in my life to start actively searching for something else just yet.


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