Vagrant Muse

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The state of the world

So I've been away... again. I had unprotected life, and I seem to have caught some of those dangerously communicable complications like 'education' and the world's most widely spread STD: children.

So I have been semi-active in the meantime, most recently participating in a thread at Alan's Life through my eyes blog about the problems in the middle-East - which are generally viewed primarily as Muslim extremists, Americans and (sadly) the British.

Strangely, though, it occurred to me that the real problem isn't any of these, it's the religious 'moderates'. They give religion an acceptable face, justify the popular misconception that 'you aren't allowed to criticise religions themselves', because 'religions aren't the problem'.

But they are. Two-thousand year old, self-contradictory fairy stories are still being used - by all sides - to justify intransigence, moral cowardice and a complete lack of any real desire to face up to reality. Religions are, at their core, tribal hate-riddled violent exclusion clauses written into texts that have become sacrosanct by virtue of public favour: more people liked this than that, so it's 'right', it's 'holy'.

It's crap. It's foundless, baseless, evidenceless nonsense. And people are willing to die for it.

America has always been fighting the wrong batttle, guns and grenades are not going to do anything more than feed the 'victim' mentality that is the prime recruiting drum of the Muslim extremists. What is needed is investment, education, a stark dose of reality and a moritorium on the ridiculous precept that religious belief is somehow off-limits to rational criticism.

Unfortunately, when you realise that, you realise that the enemies of world peace are actually both sides of the conflict in the middle-East, and most of the conflicts everywhere else, as well.

Listen world: there's no God, there's just us. There is no other side... and yet we're still losing.


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